Bootcamp Portfolio

Software Developer
Trivia Game
Stack your wits against trivia questions from Jeopardy
  • Built front end with​ React/Redux, Rails​ back​ end​ with​ API​ endpoints​ for​ Fetch​ requests, and​ SQLite for​ data​ persistence
  • Integrated Fetch​ requests​ to​ external API​ for​ data​ retrieval
  • Styled​ front end​ with​ Bootstrap​ and​ custom​ CSS
Volunteer Manager
A volunteer management and assignment system for nonprofits
  • Created Rails application for front and back end, SQLite database, Devise, and OmniAuth-Facebook
  • Incorporated nested forms, nested routes, and validations
  • Revised app with jQuery front end and API endpoints in new branch (/tree/jQuery)
Garden Record
A garden planting tracker for every green thumb
  • Utilized Sinatra, ActiveRecord, and SQLite to create web application for gardeners
  • Included user accounts and input validations